The Great Jubilee is taken from the Word from the bible which was actually The year of Jubilee ~ most people haven't heard these terms of year - Jubilee. It occurs after seven sets of seven intervals (50 years) are finished.
The Jubilee has proclaimed as the year of Freedom and blessings since the day Moses free the israellites from the slavery of egypt (exodus 1 - 20)
The annual feast day usually known as the Passover or Feast of the Tabernacle.
It is known from then and now the time of Freedom and Celebration when everyone will receive their true part and destination, and slaves wll return back to their homes.
This year also a great year for harvesting and reaping what have we sow all of these days.
Why this year are told to be The Great year of Year of Jubilee?
For it is written in the bible that the moon will turns into blood for the bible says that the blood moon will fulfill end times prophecy in Joel and Revelation.
For the blood moon only occurs after the 50 years and it happens the same day with the passover/feast of the tabernacle. it lasts for 6 full moons in a year.
So this year are to be called the next 50 years of passover but it also represent as the last eclipse.
September 28 2015,the total eclipse occured and so the christian and preachers believe that this is The Great Jubilee, the last passover.
What should we do then,in this Great year of Jubilee?
For every Word God,proclaimed and promised will be done for His beloved children. And in this Great Year of Jubilee He will surely gives His merciful and blessings to everyone who believes in Him. All we have to do is to take those promises and blessings from God for this Blessed year. We will see many miracles will happen.
Billions of souls are saved.
A flower grows in a dry sod
The blind can see
The lame can walk
Yes we are waiting for this great Jubilee and for The Second Coming of Jesus Chist. He want this all to be happen because He loves us and want us to be save when He comes.
We will see that Nothing is Impossible.